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The year 2020

“I hate this year. 2020 was supposed to be my year”. Or so we thought. But come on let’s be honest. Was 2020 really that bad? The answer really depends on the person. For me 2020 was scary. People where loosing their jobs, stores where shutting down, the world was on lock down and so much more. (let’s not get me started) All of this while we still had mouths to feed and people to take care of. For any parent that’s really scary. But even with all the bad things that happened in 2020 the change it brought with it was actually pretty good. I saw people coming together like never before, history being made, And most of all the hustlers came out to play. Small businesses went crazy this year, the support we all had for each other was amazing. It was inspiring!

I started off this year working two jobs just to pay the bills, and I was uncomfortably comfortable if that makes sense. But when reality came knocking on my door I had the option to either sit here and allow 2020 to suck, or change with the rest of the world. As you might have guessed I embraced the change.

2020 was the year of many ups and downs. More downs then ups some might say. But It would be a lie if I said it was a total bust. 2020 brought me new friends, a whole business that I put my everything into, it’s brought me closer to my family, and most of all it has helped me grow as a person. It has helped me figure out the women I need to be to succeed in life and not be afraid to ask for help when needed. It’s given me all the things I need to be a better mother, partner, business women and so much more.

So to personally answer the question “was 2020 really that bad” yes it was, but it was also one of the best years I’ve had so far. And I am so grateful for every moment.

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